Our family

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27

Kelle and I (Andrei) have three children: Aryana, Troy and our adopted daughter, Elena. Sufficient Bread Ministry has been an active ministry in Romania since 2003.

I am a Romanian national who grew up in the Romanian Orphanage for the majority of my life. I have two brothers, one older and another younger. All three of us were abandoned by our parents when I was only four years old. My life in its entirety is very important to me because I accept and understand it as God’s perfect plan for my life. As a child I asked God, “Why do I exist?”, “Why did my parents not want to raise me?”, “Why does the whole world hate me?”, “Am I just a kid no one wants?”, “Why should I live?”, “Can I have hope?” As a child I had joy, sadness, needs, but most importantly I had the need of parental love.

In the early ’90s, I remember people began to visit our orphanage from America. I did not know what they were looking for. Why were they coming to give the children all sorts of candy, chocolate, toys, and clothes? I did not understand why they would come from another country and tell us about a man named Jesus Christ. I did not know who this Jesus was. I remember them talking about the birth of the Savior, that this Jesus was sent to die for us, for our sins. I still have memories of their smiling faces, the joy, and love they showed us. I remember I was so dirty. Our noses were running, and some kids covered in sores, but these people were not afraid to touch us, or most amazingly - hug us. I realized that Jesus Christ had something to do with the kindness and courage I saw in their hearts. These people had something I wanted. By God’s grace, I came to know the Lord as my Savior when I was 18.

My wife and I now serve the abandoned and vulnerable in Romania. Our desire is that these children know the FATHER in heaven who loves them so much! I thank the Lord for giving me the privilege, because it truly is a privilege to care and defend the fatherless of this world.

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